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About Us

At the Switched On 4 Life Centre we are a dedicated team offering programs designed to SWITCH ON and motivate people of all ages and abilities. We help them in their journey to reach their full potential in education, sport, social interactions and life in general.  


Our Programs are gentle and movement based, incorporating Brain Gym®, MindUp Emotional Education, Relaxation / Anti-anxiety techniques and Educational Kinesiology. 


We encourage self development and self awareness, building up skills that help support learning, and improve both physical and emotional well-being, all in a fun, non-threatening environment.   


Switched On 4 Life programs that we offer:

  • Switched On 4 Life Kids (P-12)

  • Switched On Students (K-12)

  • Switched On Seniors (18yrs+)


We are also available for:

  • In-Services and Staff Development days in Schools, Pre-schools and Health Care facilities.

  • Conferences and Positive Lifestyle days. 

  • Business and Corporate presentations.

  • Private consultations.


"Very engaging, straight forward and practical. Good timing so I didn't feel overloaded with too much information."

High School Educator

"Information was easy to understand, and the practical demonstrations were very simple and easy to do. I feel I can use this both in the classroom and personal life." 

High School Educators

"I felt overall the presentation was easy to understand and very interesting. I enjoyed hearing the points of view from both the teaching and medical backgrounds." 

High School Ancillory Staff

"This has definitely improved the quality of my children's lives both academically and socially" 

Mother of Children Aged 8 and 13

"My son has gone from being a very poor speller and reader that was socially withdrawn, to a boy who now has a reading level above his age. He is happy and excited to participate in dance, performance and other social activities."

Mother of Primary School Son

"Clear, simple explanations with real life connections. Remained interesting throughout. Stimulates further learning"

High School Ancillory Staff

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© 2022 Switched On 4 Life

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